Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weekend October 17-18

Mercedes-Benz Museum

Kraut Festival - complete with royalty, the cermonial tapping of the keg (I think that happens for everything around here), and the cabbage queen toasting us with a beer. Those cabbage were huge!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009



So I spend several years working with Partha from India, and what happens when I get on the plane in Chicago for the flight to Frankfurt? I sit next to Ukbar from the Punjab State in India. Ukbar is bearded, wears a blue turbin, and has a snow white down quilted jacket on. He also has an affinity for whiskey - "whiskey! A cup. Fill the cup...." Anyway, I had to hit pause several times while watching a movie as he shared some thoughts with me like "Americans are very good people. Indians are very good people." "We work, we eat, we work, we eat..." He, being a Sikh, also shared his dislike of a certain group of people. I was aware of this from conversations with Partha.

Anyway, arrived in Stuttgart about 11 AM after missing my connecting flight in Frankfurt (horrible customs line) and without my 2 suitcases (they arrived at hotel 5 hours later). I could not check into my hotel room until 3, so what else to do but head downtown to the Canstatter Volksfest. I lasted a couple of hours before jet lag (& beer?) took it's toll. Check it out...