Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day trip to France

2 hours from "home" and the radio stations change from German to French.

Stopped in Stattsalt to get some maps, then found out they had a "bread museum." Didn't have time for the museum, but did buy some snacks.

Haut Konigsburg Castle.

My Monty Python moment in the gift shop...

Hotel Area & Stuttgart @ Night

Elaine arrives for 3 weeks to help look for a house...and have fun in GM (Nov. 11 to Dec 1st).

Downtown "winterfest" = Hot wine with "secret" spices that is all the rage this time of year called Gluvine.

A couple of pictures outside my hotel room windows - reminds me of MN with farmland scattered about. Opposite side looks at Merceds and entertainment complex.

A very small restaurant serving local food.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ulm day trip

About an hour drive from Stuttgart. Super tall steeple that you can climb to the top (700+ steps). You end up about 30 feet below the tippy top (see pics).

Friday, November 6, 2009


Downtown Stuttgart:

Cog railway
Sunny day - lots of paved trails for bikes even downtown.
Waiting for the U-Bahn (light rail).

Underneath a series of bridges some kids were working on some artwork.